of All the Romantic Presumptions

of All the Romantic Presumptions: January 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

She'll Show You a Trick or Two

     Last weekend, I attended a photography workshop.  It was wonderful.  I'm now contemplating the ways to basically rework everything in my life related to photography and business.  I know it will take me time to figure out everything, but eventually it will all click one way or another.  For the first time in my life I have been able to take what I see through my viewfinder (and in my mind) and really translate it into a picture.  Before the workshop, the photographs would turn out well, but just not quite there.  The photographs would never be what I expected them to be when I finally looked them over.  Now is a different story, sometimes they come out even better than what I thought.  It makes me seriously drop my jaw when I look at the back of the screen.  I love it.

Title: "Indian Summer" by Stereophonics

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Paint a Pretty Picture with the Perfect Light

     As I mentioned yesterday, I'm workshopping this weekend!  In my head, a thousand heavenly angels just opened their mouths and sang in that extremely cliched way.  I'm just a little bit excited.  Don't think that I'm going to leave you high and dry all weekend though.  While I probably won't be back until Tuesday at the earliest, I'm leaving you with a weekend treat:  my January playlist. I'm calling it "New Year, New Tunes, New 'Tudes."  It's a collection of songs that somewhat reflect everything I'm trying to embody this year.  Not to mention, that I'm going to listen to these songs when I need a small kick in the rump to get going in the morning--or mid-day.
     I hope you enjoy this mix as much as I do.  I'm thinking about switching to Grooveshark for my next mix because some vital songs are not available to me through Spotify.  If you have any opinions or preferences I would love to hear them.

Listen here or listen on Spotify.

Title: "Free My Mind" by Katie Herzig

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Been Pushing For This For So Long

     Friday I fly into Houston, Texas and make my way to Huntsville to participate in The Kitchen Sink Workshop, a photography workshop that covers everything but the kitchen sink.  I'm pretty stoked.  Some how in 2011 when I was first venturing into the world of senior photography, I stumbled across Amanda Holloway Photography on Facebook.  Since then I have lusted over her photographs.  To say that I am super pumped to have the opportunity to learn more about what I love (and not have to blunder through to find my way) is an understatement.  Yesterday, I laid out everything to pack and I'm normally the girl who wakes up super early the morning before we leave on a trip and is throwing things in a suitcase (after staying up late the night before trying to get the necessities, i.e. clothes and camera/laptop packed). I'm too excited and nervous to be a procrastinator for this trip.  I'm so worried I'm going to forget something vital (like my camera or brain).  Hopefully, we'll get there safe and sound and without me going crazy from nerves first.
     On a totally unrelated note, the music today comes from the background music of Zoe, the Border Collie, performing all of her amazing tricks.  While a part of me wishes I could teach Oscar all of these tricks, I know that it takes a lot of time and patience.  Patience may not be something I have in spades.  Plus, before I start trying to teach him any adorable tricks, I probably should figure out a way to teach him and Jack not to dig (and not to bark at the cat).

Title: "Desperate Measures" by Marianas Trench

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Ain't Tryin' to Bring You Down

     These days, posting seems to be rather sporadic, I do apologize.  I have big plans (or at least medium plans) for the future of this little blog, but I think for right now I probably should put those to the side (or at least work on them while) going back to the basics.  The basics being the awesomely interesting things going on in my life (cause I'm awesome) and other things.
     I haven't really talked much about my chronic pain (okay, maybe I have). But in case you need a refresher course, here's the short version.  I get migraines every day, some times it's worse than others, but the headaches are every day, especially when I'm working or just out and about doing things.   Triggers are lights, sounds, smells, and having anything around my neck (aka I can't wear scarves, sweaters with collars, or necklaces).  For the past year or so, I've also been experiencing neck pain which is more of an ache that just feels like I've been carrying extra weight around my neck.  The image that comes to mind is that I'm wearing a yoke around my neck--you know, that collar thing that horses and oxen wear when they plow.  The pain ranges from a dull, annoying bother to severe, I can't think straight stabbing.  It's been frustrating dealing with this because I just have to push through it, which I do, but it puts a gloomy veil on life and so far there has not been an end in sight--no way to relieve the pain.  I've been going to work and then coming home and pretty much getting in the bed with no energy to have a life besides work.
     Today, I saw a physical therapist who thinks they can help with the pain.  Apparently, all of my outer neck muscles are having to work all the time instead of my inner core muscles holding my head up.  So we're going to slowly strengthen my inner neck muscles and see how that helps.  In the meantime, they have some pressure point techniques they can do to help relieve some of the pain now.  It's not a cure and it's not even an immediate fix, but right now it's something.  That's more than I had even yesterday.  I'm hopeful, but at the same time wary.  
At J. Cox Orthodontics taking pictures of clients that had their braces removed.

Title: "Walkin' Blues" by Sam Doores

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Like Icarus Before Me These Wings Are Not My Own

5 things I'm thankful for this week:
Mary Margaret
I'm super thankful that she's my sister.  My life would be completely different without her.
(Happy birthday!!)
Formal Occasions
Sometimes a girl just needs to dress up.  The Crystal Ball gave me (and my parents that reason).
Auburn Hair
I love my new hair color, as I always say when I change the color of my hair.  I might stick with this one.
Homemade Pretzels
I'm extremely proud of my large and tasty pretzels.  It was my farewell present to Will since he went back to college last week.

Life Experiences
I guess this could go under something else, but I feel like my actions are finally starting to reflect the mature state of mind I've been claiming to have for years now.
(I'm not really sure how to put that into a picture.)

Saving Grace
My pride gets the better of me time and time again.  Without grace or mercy,  I would be a lost cause.
Like the title says these wings are not my own.  I could not and would not be anywhere near where I am today without God and the people he places in my life every day.

Title: "Icarus" by The Staves featuring Keaton Henson

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Please Take My Words

      I had planned to review/talk/rant about a recent book I read set in the south, but written by people who lived in California.  Throughout the book there were sweeping generalities: all the "normal" girls in high school want to be like Kristin Chenoweth from GCB (blonde, ridiculously tan, and skanky but in a Christian way), EVERYONE reenacts old Civil War battles (or really the War of North Aggression), and no one ever makes it out alive (as in the small town you're born in is the small town you'll die in).  Being from the South I know that all of those three things aren't true.  However, I guess I live in a bigger town, so I could be missing out on some Southern experience I have yet to find out about.
     While I was helping set up for the Crystal Ball (that's tonight), I was going over in my mind everything I wanted to say about the South.  You could go on for days talking about it and you still wouldn't cover it all.   There's the tradition that's engrained in our very bones, the wildness that will never be tamed, and the history and mixing of it all through storytelling to provide some classic gothic tales.  When I was younger, I wanted to escape Mississippi just as fast as I could.  I knew I had to go to Ole Miss (because for some reason, out of state schools never really seemed in the realm of possibilities), but once I done with Ole Miss, I was leaving this wretched state for good (I kept count of the years).  I never really had a true plan, it was more of a need to leave.  All I could see was the sad state of the Delta (think that black and white photograph from the great depression of the "Migrant Mother"), the state's test scores and low literacy rate, and some one high up in government trying to convince me to stay in Mississippi by telling me all of the smart people were leaving (those were his exact words but close to it).  Plus, every time I told someone I was from Mississippi they were surprised, like I should be wearing overalls, no shoes, and not know how to live in the modern world.
     In college, I came to love this state and while I want experience life in other states (because I believe one should), I know that I eventually want to come back and settle here--if it fits into God's plan, of course.  Mississippi does have it faults--obesity, low literacy, sometimes not so great politics--but the other things I love about this state aren't going away any time soon.  I like to think that the things I love about Mississippi are some of the same things that writers like Eudora Welty, William Faulkner, Willie Morris, Barry Hannah saw in Mississippi.  Mostly I know that it's probably a far stretch but I'm still learning about this state through their work.  I'm still growing up here and the more I grow up the more I stop taking our Southern traditions for granted.
This is actually a picture taken in Alabama (my second favorite state) at my Grandfather's.

Title: "Red" by Little Green Cars

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh, Do You Understand?

     I've been knitting like crazy to finish my latest beanie project.  You knit it on the wrong side, so throughout the project I haven't been able to see the progression.  When I turned it to the correct side, I realized that I must have messed up the "broken rib" some how (for you knitters out there, the pattern was a simple 1 ribbed row--k1, p1--and 1 knit).  It's not complicated, just a little difficult to keep up with at times.  Which means my hat has some imperfections.  The perfectionist in me is a little upset, but the rest of me is pretty stoked that I'm the only one that can have my exact hat.

Title: "Be Your Man" by Ivan and Alyosha

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Am I Weak If I Leave It As It Stands

     Pretty much think I jinxed myself when I started bragging about how productive I was on Monday.  Yesterday was almost a total bust.  However, I did get a few things done including editing pictures from Together We Sing.  While they're still not completely ready for public consumption, here's another cute one I thought I'd share.  I have a game plan for today so that maybe it won't be another yesterday.

Title: "Insane" by Damien Rice

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life Is Too Short to Stop and Stare at the Blank Page

     What's that saying "in rain, sleet or snow?"  I'm pretty sure yesterday, Olive Branch got a little of everything--even freezing rain.  However, that did not stop me from being productive.  It's amazing what one can accomplish when: 1. you aren't extremely tired (because you didn't have to wake up super early, i.e. before 9) and 2. you can focus your energy on your personal life and not work.  To get everything I want/need to done this month I'm really going to have to push myself to the limit.  I don't think I realized what I was getting myself into when I started any of these projects, but I can't stop now.

Title: "Hold On" by Phillip Phillips

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Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm Never Changing Who I Am

5 things I'm thankful for this week:

Not waking up and rushing off to work half-awake.
Instead I'm going to channel Amy Adams pretty much all week (or at least pretend to).
Being done with my gloves!!
Well, almost done--I just have to weave in the tails.
Putting on a successful Together We Sing.
The Olive Twig Humanitarian Group raised $7,400 through the event!
Having the opportunity to be apart of a group like the Twigs at such a young age.
These women are truly remarkable!
The slew of gorgeous dress photos I can oogle and drool over this week when I want to procrastinate.
Because guess what... It's AWARDS SEASON! (or at least last night was the Golden Globes)

Title: "It's Time" by Imagine Dragon

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Paint a Picture in My Heart

     Tonight you should head over to the DeSoto Family Theatre and enjoy the vocal showcase of Together We Sing.  It's a fundraiser put on by the Olive Twig Humanitarian Group.  I've written two different articles about it for the DeSoto Times-Tribune.  I personally can't wait for each and everyone of the contestants' performances.  We were all hard at work yesterday making sure everything was ready for tonight.  

Title: "Waiting for You" by Josh Kumra

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Friday, January 11, 2013

That Rumbles My Master Plan

     I feel like a broken record and who really wants to listen to a broken record?  So in case you're wondering why I've been skipping blogging so much, I'm saving you from myself.  I'm working on becoming not such a broken record, I promise.  I'm also working on a fun January playlist that I'm hoping to have ready by next week so be on the look out for that.
     Until then I'm keeping up with my daily photography projects which you can follow on Flickr.  (I'm also working on this blog as a whole, which hopefully you'll see in the weeks to come.)
An outtake from this latest Project Life photo

Title: "Show Me the Way" by Richard Allan II
(song actually starts around 2:00)

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Heavy Your Heart, Weary Your Soul

     January is always a time of new starts.  This month I am hoping will be no different for myself.  Even though I'm having a hard time thinking anything but "I'm freezing" this month could possibly be the start of something fresh and new for myself, if only I can crank up the willpower.  It can be done.  I've set goals for myself, "researched" how to make achieving goals more attainable, and all that is left is the actual doing.  I'm thinking that the first week after my internship is over is going to be very telling as to if I will meet my goals, but even if I'm not too successful in the first days, I'm not going to give up. (P.S. can you tell this is my small pep talk to myself?)
     I'm super excited about what's coming up in January, even if I don't sound like it.  Sometimes I have a hard time reconciling both the idea of an issue and work load it will entail.  I have to focus on one or the other.  Usually, I get excited about the idea and then a little overwhelmed by the work I have to do to accomplish the idea.  They obviously work hand in hand, but in my mind it's more of a Peter Pan's shadow type thing, where I have to sew the two together to make sure I really get things done.

Title: "Winter Trees" by The Staves
(music starts at 1:03)

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Monday, January 7, 2013

I've Been Away So Long

     I know I've been a little AWOL these past few days, but I thought I might take a small break.  Plus by the time I've been thinking about blogging I already feel too horrible to even think about doing anything but going straight to bed.  However, I couldn't miss a "Five Things" posting, even if it is a day late.  These posts are so important to me because it's easy to get caught up in the negatives and though I try to think positively on a day to day basis. Saying things like "at least I don't have hives" can only get me so far, particularly because I'm a little superstitious about those things and I'm not 100% sure they aren't going to come back.  Which makes these posts just as important as Thanksgiving.  We all need to take a little time to think about how we've been blessed and as much as I sometimes don't want to, counting my blessings every week helps remind me to look on the bright side of life and remember to be thankful for God's little blessings.

5 things I'm thankful for this week:
Babysitting sleeping children
Mostly because it means I get to catch up on my "Family Friendly" movies without any shame
Successfully keeping up with both of my 365 photo projects
You can follow my progress on Flickr (I also have a Flickr feed in the sidebar)
Being able to take the weekend off
I had a pretty wonderful staycation this weekend
(P.S. I promise I'm not strangling Oscar and he's enjoying being loved on)
Ole Miss conquered their bowl game
And we're supposedly getting some extremely awesome recruits for next year's season
My internship is almost done
I'm definitely ready to close the whole "working for free" chapter of my life... If only I could figure out what I wanted to do next

Title: "Keep You Right" by Blind Pilots

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Friday, January 4, 2013

That's Where I'll Be Found

     If it were possible, I think I could be a student for the rest of my life.  I mean in some ways we are always life's students--learning through life experiences and adventures.  However, I'm talking about in the more conventional way of being a student.  Not through a university--although I'm sure grad school would eventually make it on my list--but through small classes available online and workshops that take  place over a week or even a weekend.  There are numerous, wonderful classes found online if you just know where to look.
     Want to know the basics of photography?  There's a class for that.  Want to know how to work Illustrator?  There's a class for that.  Want to find your inner doodler?  There's a class for that.  Want to create your own dream job and own your own successful small business?  There's a class for that.  Want to write beautiful works of art?  There's a class for that.  While they're sometimes called e-courses, they all will help you in one way or another.  Usually you can go at your own pace like you would in a normal online class at a university.  Some of these e-courses are pre-made so you can just download the material and pace yourself at your own free will, as long as you have the correct information you have access to the material.  However, some of these classes are a little more structured and have instructors.  While you can still go at your own pace, there are certain deadlines that must be met.
    I'm taking one of these courses right now and I'm finding it to be extremely helpful.  I have also used the textbook from the photography class mentioned above and found it to be one of the most well written and easily understood books about photography that I have come across.  I am a person who learns from trial and error a good deal better than from reading in books--usually technical information boggles my brain and gives me a massive migraine, but the technical was broken down into practical application.  The rest of the classes above I have never taken, so I can't completely say one way or the other how they are, but I have had my eye on each and every one of them for a little while.  What can I say?  I would love to stay a student forever learning new things.
Like learning to knit individual fingers on gloves.

Title: "The Brightest Lights" by King Charles featuring Mumford and Sons

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Story of the Beast with Those Four Dirty Paws

     My dirty pawed rascal had his bed taken over by a senior member of the family tonight.  Oscar wasn't quite sure what to do with Dante on his bed.  I think he really wanted to play with Kitty, but he doesn't understand the difference in sizes or what to make of the difference in species.  All of this usually ends up with Oscar barking his head off at Dante for what seems like hours (especially if it's early in the morning and you're trying to sleep in).  Dante stood his ground on Oscar's bed for quite a while before finally giving up the space in a rather violent fit that had all the animals hyped up (though I'm sure the fact that I had treats in my hand didn't really help matters).  But no animals were harmed and everyone settled back down pretty quickly.  I've noticed that Oscar has a scratch on the top of his nose that looks suspiciously like Dante's handiwork.  Maybe he'll learn his lesson soon enough.

Title: "Dirty Paws" by Of Monsters and Men

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let's Do This One More Time

     It's the second day of the new year, which pretty much means it's time to get back into the routine of things.  I have about three more days of work after this one and then my internship is over.  Honestly, I feel as though my life has just come full circle back to where I was a year ago--with me feeling ill at least 80% of the time and hunting for a job (or more like keeping an eye out for job opportunities).  That in and of itself can be depressing.  I have come to strongly dislike winter.  It used to be my favorite time of year but now all I really want to do is hibernate Yogi-bear-style.  I mean I could have some really awesome dream-adventures and it would be like it really happened then I'd have a whole season's worth of dream-memories--almost like in Total Recall, but kinda not.  Then again, my family and puppies would definitely miss me so instead I think I'll just have to bundle up and not go anywhere farther north (until March, then I'll just have to brave Colorado weather so I can join in on some family memories).
     Since it's a new year, I have a new mashup to share with you from my buddy DJ Earworm.  He takes the most popular songs of the year and smashes them all together to make one crazy song. Sometimes I'm not so crazy about the mashup, but this one is pretty awesome.

Title: "United States of Pop 2012 (Shine Brighter)" by DJ Earworm

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hope That the New Year Don't Look Like Last

     HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I spent yesterday at work and then I was busy making frosting for cupcakes and preparing for my first stab at a photo booth.  My parents attended a New Year's Eve party, hence the need for cupcakes and a photo booth.  While I hoped I would have spent the time between when I came home and the actual stroke of midnight being productive and editing photographs, I came home feeling like I got hit by something achy or at the very least completely wiped out behind the boat multiple times and spent my night zoning out pretending to watch TV.  
     I did manage to swig down some champagne, which is of course the most important thing, and put together a short gif of photos, the second most important thing.  I hope you enjoy the small teaser because there is definitely more to come!

Title: "New Years, Old Years" by Marc Scibilia

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