January is always a time of new starts. This month I am hoping will be no different for myself. Even though I'm having a hard time thinking anything but "I'm freezing" this month could possibly be the start of something fresh and new for myself, if only I can crank up the willpower. It can be done. I've set goals for myself, "researched" how to make achieving goals more attainable, and all that is left is the actual doing. I'm thinking that the first week after my internship is over is going to be very telling as to if I will meet my goals, but even if I'm not too successful in the first days, I'm not going to give up. (P.S. can you tell this is my small pep talk to myself?)
I'm super excited about what's coming up in January, even if I don't sound like it. Sometimes I have a hard time reconciling both the idea of an issue and work load it will entail. I have to focus on one or the other. Usually, I get excited about the idea and then a little overwhelmed by the work I have to do to accomplish the idea. They obviously work hand in hand, but in my mind it's more of a Peter Pan's shadow type thing, where I have to sew the two together to make sure I really get things done.
Title: "Winter Trees" by The Staves
(music starts at 1:03)
Labels: Adult Life, Life, Music, Musings, Oscar, Winter Season