Let's Do This One More Time

     It's the second day of the new year, which pretty much means it's time to get back into the routine of things.  I have about three more days of work after this one and then my internship is over.  Honestly, I feel as though my life has just come full circle back to where I was a year ago--with me feeling ill at least 80% of the time and hunting for a job (or more like keeping an eye out for job opportunities).  That in and of itself can be depressing.  I have come to strongly dislike winter.  It used to be my favorite time of year but now all I really want to do is hibernate Yogi-bear-style.  I mean I could have some really awesome dream-adventures and it would be like it really happened then I'd have a whole season's worth of dream-memories--almost like in Total Recall, but kinda not.  Then again, my family and puppies would definitely miss me so instead I think I'll just have to bundle up and not go anywhere farther north (until March, then I'll just have to brave Colorado weather so I can join in on some family memories).
     Since it's a new year, I have a new mashup to share with you from my buddy DJ Earworm.  He takes the most popular songs of the year and smashes them all together to make one crazy song. Sometimes I'm not so crazy about the mashup, but this one is pretty awesome.

Title: "United States of Pop 2012 (Shine Brighter)" by DJ Earworm

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of All the Romantic Presumptions: Let's Do This One More Time

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let's Do This One More Time

     It's the second day of the new year, which pretty much means it's time to get back into the routine of things.  I have about three more days of work after this one and then my internship is over.  Honestly, I feel as though my life has just come full circle back to where I was a year ago--with me feeling ill at least 80% of the time and hunting for a job (or more like keeping an eye out for job opportunities).  That in and of itself can be depressing.  I have come to strongly dislike winter.  It used to be my favorite time of year but now all I really want to do is hibernate Yogi-bear-style.  I mean I could have some really awesome dream-adventures and it would be like it really happened then I'd have a whole season's worth of dream-memories--almost like in Total Recall, but kinda not.  Then again, my family and puppies would definitely miss me so instead I think I'll just have to bundle up and not go anywhere farther north (until March, then I'll just have to brave Colorado weather so I can join in on some family memories).
     Since it's a new year, I have a new mashup to share with you from my buddy DJ Earworm.  He takes the most popular songs of the year and smashes them all together to make one crazy song. Sometimes I'm not so crazy about the mashup, but this one is pretty awesome.

Title: "United States of Pop 2012 (Shine Brighter)" by DJ Earworm

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