of All the Romantic Presumptions

of All the Romantic Presumptions: July 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We Gonna Celebrate We Gonna Gather 'Round Like It's Your Birthday

     Pretty sure I overdid it a little today.  But I did get to see a good friend who was in town from Oxford, which was lovely (plus it was her birthday today!). Going to bed so I can be fresh for tomorrow (and maybe so my head will stop hurting).

Title: "Birthday" by Kings of Leon

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Monday, July 30, 2012

It Started With a Whisper

     I think the thing I hate the most about being a grown-up is having to change my own sheets.  Seriously, I had an extremely long day today and all I wanted to do when I got home today was crawl into my cosy bed and get on my computer (well, really I wanted to sleep, but I knew I was going to be blogging first).  But I had stripped my sheets when I left the house this morning so an unmade (nothing unusual there) AND completely bare mattress (with all of my covers/pillows/clean sheets in a wad) greeted me when I got up to my room.  When I still lived here (at my parent's house) as their child before college (and even some in college) I could convince my darling, loving father to "help" me remake my bed with new sheets.  By help, I really mean, Dad did all the manual labor and I vigorously put my pillow cases on my two pillows.  He really loves me.
     When I decided it was finally time for me to act like an adult since I had hit that big 2-1 marker in life, I tried changing my sheets in the summer house I was renting.  I ended up breaking the bed.  Technically, it was already broken (and it wasn't mine, not that it makes it less important) but that definitely deterred my passion for living like a true adult.  I tried again when I moved into the Kappa house my senior year to be vigilant on changing my sheets, but I had a lofted bed.  It was extremely beyond difficult and even though I made my bed every day.  I didn't change my sheets like I should have.  Now that I'm living at home, it's hard not to revert back to the good old days when my dad changed my sheets for me (especially when it's been a long day and I find out that even though my sheets have been washed and dryer all day, they are still damp).   I'm trying my best to remain an adult and do things for myself.  But I'm definitely thinking all that time I wasted wishing to be older in my younger days really should have been spent on other things, like reading, knitting, or learning a foreign language.  I'm pretty sure I would be proficient in Italian and Spanish if only I had tried earlier in life (probably not).
 My bed.  
Not as it first greeted me, but as it was right before I put the sheets on it.

Title: "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

They Know All His Words By Heart, By Heart and They All Sing

Five things I'm thankful for this week:
Getting to see all of my distant cousins at the family reunion 
(and some who aren't so distant mileage wise)
And getting all of the pictures edited and posted in record time
Seeing my grandfather this past weekend
(and taking some pictures of his estate for him)
Having a backdrop (and backdrop frame) that is extremely easy to set up 
(and take down)
All by myself
Making it home safely
(and seeing my puppies!)
We start training Oscar on his wireless fence tomorrow
Finding a new and spectacular album that I could listen to over and over again
(and have already done so and will continuing doing)
I'm lucky enough to find albums like these maybe once every few months

Title: "Big Parade" by The Lumineers

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Show Me Family

     This weekend was the Hall Family Reunion.  My great grandfather was one of eight siblings and descendants from all eight siblings were in attendance.  Apparently this was a pretty big deal.  We ate potluck, caught up, and some of the more talented persons of the family played bluegrass while everyone else sang.  (It took place in Alabama, of course.)  I'll have a great number of pictures to post tomorrow but here are a few of my favorites today.

Title: "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just to See What Is

     Not much excitement here today.  The little puppy's perimeter shock collar came in today.  We didn't have the little white flags to create a border so I'm planning on training him when we get back from Alabama.  I gave the puppies corn on the cob as treats (they loved it) right before they started play fighting.  I love how Oscar fights (he's like a little furry snapping turtle).

 Title: "Lotus Flower" by Radiohead

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cause It's a Long Road to Wisdom

     I found this gem of an article (through my Facebook news feed, of course) full of quotes from kids answering questions about marriage, kissing, and relationships.  All of the answers are pretty hilarious but these really take the cake in my book.
     "Twenty-three is the best age [to get married] because you know the person FOREVER by then."   - Camille, age 10
     "The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them.  It's the right thing to do."  - Howard, age 8
     Another one of my favorites answers the question, "when is it okay to kiss someone?"  The answer, by a lovely little girl of the ripe old age of 7 - "when they're rich."
     Someone is teaching his kid the right kind of morals.  Let's hope she starts liking boys for their winning personalities, good looks, and charming aromas.  Kids do say the darndest things.
     Reading a bunch of answers from children always makes me wonder what it would be like if dogs could talk.  They just have such expressive faces sometimes and they are just like kids!  (Except they never grow up to be adults who can have intelligent conversations and take care of themselves.)  When I'm outside with Oscar and Jack (and just loving on Oscar) Jack will stand at attention towards the door looking inside waiting for someone to come to the door.  He gets so excited sometimes (I guess thinking about someone else coming outside) that I look up to make sure that there isn't anyone there.  (Most of the time there isn't.)  While I think it's silly it's also extremely adorable.
I also finally got a picture of Oscar in his hide out.  He likes to put half of his body under my carwhich is why I ended up accidentally running over him (slightly running over him).
I also made pound cake today!  (For the impending Hall Reunion that I'm actually looking forward to.)

Title: "Flowers in Your Hair" by The Lumineers

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And If You Don't Know What to Make of This Then We Will Not Relate

     I am exhausted.  You wouldn't think so since I only worked a few hours this evening, but Mom and I did a good bit of stuff before I actually went to work.  We went to Hank of Yarn to get all of the materials for our blanket projects we're about to start.  (I adore going to yarn stores, I pick up more yarn than I really need... everything is just so beautiful.)  Then to Nebco to pick up framed art for my wall!  I can't wait to share the final wall (it might be a little while, though).  The picture I had framed is black and white, even if it doesn't look like it in the photograph.  We also rearranged the game room (well it was more Mom who did the actual work since I can't lift anything heavy after my neck adjustments).
     At work tonight, Sondra gave me a facial!  I knew I would like the Mary Kay products just by hearing all of the women talk about them.  But I love the way they make my face feel!  Usually my face is super dry (but the products made my face feel so wonderful).  I took my picture just to show you how amazing these products are.  And how pretty they made me look.  But the setting might have blown out my skin a little so it's pretty much pointless.  Which is why I didn't add it in.  I'm trying to make sure I have at least a picture a day.  Eventually, I think I might try and make a book of some sort with all of my photos.  But that's just one of those crazy thoughts floating around in my head.

Title: "Rivers and Roads" by Head and the Heart
(I couldn't decide which video/version I liked best)

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Been a Long, Hot Summer

I know I'm a day late, but here are the 5 things I'm thankful for this week:
Clean puppies
Hardworking volunteers
Part-time jobs
(photo credit: my boss, Sondra)
(photo credit: link above)
Lasting Stories

Title: "Road to Somewhere" by Goldfrapp

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

They're the Memories I'll Always Keep With Me

     Even though it's Sunday and today is usually the day for my five items of thankfulness, I'm going to do something a little different.  I finally got off my lazy bum and posted all of the pictures that I took for City Project on Facebook (I had only posted Wednesday dinner until this afternoon).  I think it's highly unfair for me to keep the final two days from you and not share them until Monday.   So my Five Things post is getting moved to tomorrow and you're finally going to see Friday's work night and Saturday's dinner photos.  You're welcome.

Title: "Glory Days" by Roo Panes

Friday Work Night

Saturday Dinner

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