of All the Romantic Presumptions

of All the Romantic Presumptions: April 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tell Me You're In Charge

     I have no idea how some people do it.  They have websites, twitter accounts, blogs, tumblers, Instagram, Facebook, and many other social networking site accounts.  How do they manage to keep everything updated?  I am doing good to keep up with my blog daily, Facebook (which to be honest usually just always runs in the background until someone chats me then I most likely sign off), Instagram (that I have been slacking on lately), and I think that's about it.  I feel overwhelmed with just that and when I think about adding anything on top of that it I almost feel claustrophobic.
     I don't like having multiple things in different places.  I feel like that is somewhat cheating.  Instead if I had all of those accounts, I would want to have a bunch of original ideas and postings.  Maybe that is a romantic, naive notion of mine that can not really happen.  I'm not sure.  Then again maybe I should be producing more personal photographs or more projects than I am now.  If I was doing that then I could most definitely have more of a presence on the internet.
     And I'm thinking about redesigning my photography website so that I am no longer using something that costs a monthly fee to keep photos on it.  I currently use PhotoBiz which has been equally great and frustrating at the same time.  (The most frustrating part about it was trying to set up a wordpress blog on it, but I finally managed to work it out.)  I honestly can't remember how I came across PhotoBiz last summer, but it was what looked best for me at the time.  I had no knowledge about any thing (website wise) and I wanted a professional looking website.  Since then I have also come across ShowIt who have some really amazing photographers using their templates.  The two pictures below are screenshots of two different websites by the same photographer, Christianne Taylor.  I love her work.  The first website is her portraits and commercial and then the second website is her wedding website.
The downside there is a monthly fee that is more than I'm paying now and I'm not really getting much business.  So I know I want something that is simple and cost efficient and yet timeless.  I want to be able to update it and change it whenever I need to and not have it be this huge ordeal.  I found another photographer's website that I like (Kamieo Photography).  Her website is powered by a Wordpress blog template company (Photocrati).  But that might be just a little too simple for me.  AHHH!!! I don't know.  All I know is that I am not going to solve this anytime soon.  But if you have any experience in this or just know of something helpful, I would never turn away free advice.
     On a completely different subject, the pups allowed me to document their ruff-housing today.  Sometimes they got a little too close for comfort, but they were mostly good.  No barking, yelping (except once for a split second),  or growling.  Which for these very vocal pups is pretty awesome.  I'm so glad Oscar is learning how to be a big dog and Jack isn't hurting him (P.S. I just realized that putting their names together = OJ... I think it's time for me to go to bed. )  I hope you enjoy these ferocious puppies!
 A very happy pup after playing so hard.
And while I was uploading pictures (and typing) a frog managed to climb under my closed door.  (And I live on the second floor away from the stairs.. at an angle so it's not a straight and easy way to my room.)  He immediately tried to escape (before Dad came and got him... I wasn't about to touch him!)

Title: "Your Side" by Young the Giant

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

"You'll Never Win You're Way Too Old Your Father's Sin Gave Us Your Soul"

It's that time of week again.  Here's a list of 5 things I'm grateful for this week:

Both of my parents are home even if Mom is leaving again on Wednesday
Oscar growing up to be a very well-behaved little man (he's almost 8 weeks old!)
Finally getting almost all of my books organized
(Some even by year published, I know I'm a geek)
Having the chance to use stamps in my day to day life
Being able to breathe through my nose again

Title: "Names That Fell" by Zach Williams

 Plus an uplifted spirit 
Just a little extra thing I'm thankful for... 
I cannot take credit for the change in my spirit (only God can)

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

What You Want, What You Need, What You Come Here For?

     Since today was another boring day of me home alone (but Dad got back this afternoon YAY!) I thought I'd share more pictures.  First, I was asked to take pictures at a high school graduation party of a family friend's, John Pittman.  It was the same day as the Ladies Lunch but I'm just getting around to editing them because it's been a busy week and I've been distracted.   Second, more pictures of Oscar.  We cleaned his kennel today (cleaned out all the cedar shavings and put in new ones) and the water bowls (he's big enough to use the "big boy bucket"... he's growing up so fast).  Oscar tried to help with both the sweeping and the cleaning and just ended up a big mess.  But he's still adorable.

     I love love love finding acoustic versions of songs.  To me, most of the time they are much better than their original counterparts.  I just love the guitar and how it's the bare bones of the song.  It showcases the vocals even more.  (And I sometimes like covers better than the original songs, but it depends on who is singing the cover.)
Title: "Houdini" by Foster the People

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