I Ain't Tryin' to Bring You Down

     These days, posting seems to be rather sporadic, I do apologize.  I have big plans (or at least medium plans) for the future of this little blog, but I think for right now I probably should put those to the side (or at least work on them while) going back to the basics.  The basics being the awesomely interesting things going on in my life (cause I'm awesome) and other things.
     I haven't really talked much about my chronic pain (okay, maybe I have). But in case you need a refresher course, here's the short version.  I get migraines every day, some times it's worse than others, but the headaches are every day, especially when I'm working or just out and about doing things.   Triggers are lights, sounds, smells, and having anything around my neck (aka I can't wear scarves, sweaters with collars, or necklaces).  For the past year or so, I've also been experiencing neck pain which is more of an ache that just feels like I've been carrying extra weight around my neck.  The image that comes to mind is that I'm wearing a yoke around my neck--you know, that collar thing that horses and oxen wear when they plow.  The pain ranges from a dull, annoying bother to severe, I can't think straight stabbing.  It's been frustrating dealing with this because I just have to push through it, which I do, but it puts a gloomy veil on life and so far there has not been an end in sight--no way to relieve the pain.  I've been going to work and then coming home and pretty much getting in the bed with no energy to have a life besides work.
     Today, I saw a physical therapist who thinks they can help with the pain.  Apparently, all of my outer neck muscles are having to work all the time instead of my inner core muscles holding my head up.  So we're going to slowly strengthen my inner neck muscles and see how that helps.  In the meantime, they have some pressure point techniques they can do to help relieve some of the pain now.  It's not a cure and it's not even an immediate fix, but right now it's something.  That's more than I had even yesterday.  I'm hopeful, but at the same time wary.  
At J. Cox Orthodontics taking pictures of clients that had their braces removed.

Title: "Walkin' Blues" by Sam Doores

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of All the Romantic Presumptions: I Ain't Tryin' to Bring You Down

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Ain't Tryin' to Bring You Down

     These days, posting seems to be rather sporadic, I do apologize.  I have big plans (or at least medium plans) for the future of this little blog, but I think for right now I probably should put those to the side (or at least work on them while) going back to the basics.  The basics being the awesomely interesting things going on in my life (cause I'm awesome) and other things.
     I haven't really talked much about my chronic pain (okay, maybe I have). But in case you need a refresher course, here's the short version.  I get migraines every day, some times it's worse than others, but the headaches are every day, especially when I'm working or just out and about doing things.   Triggers are lights, sounds, smells, and having anything around my neck (aka I can't wear scarves, sweaters with collars, or necklaces).  For the past year or so, I've also been experiencing neck pain which is more of an ache that just feels like I've been carrying extra weight around my neck.  The image that comes to mind is that I'm wearing a yoke around my neck--you know, that collar thing that horses and oxen wear when they plow.  The pain ranges from a dull, annoying bother to severe, I can't think straight stabbing.  It's been frustrating dealing with this because I just have to push through it, which I do, but it puts a gloomy veil on life and so far there has not been an end in sight--no way to relieve the pain.  I've been going to work and then coming home and pretty much getting in the bed with no energy to have a life besides work.
     Today, I saw a physical therapist who thinks they can help with the pain.  Apparently, all of my outer neck muscles are having to work all the time instead of my inner core muscles holding my head up.  So we're going to slowly strengthen my inner neck muscles and see how that helps.  In the meantime, they have some pressure point techniques they can do to help relieve some of the pain now.  It's not a cure and it's not even an immediate fix, but right now it's something.  That's more than I had even yesterday.  I'm hopeful, but at the same time wary.  
At J. Cox Orthodontics taking pictures of clients that had their braces removed.

Title: "Walkin' Blues" by Sam Doores

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