AHHHH! Y'all, this is my 101 post and I almost have 1,000 page views!! (but I'm pretty sure half of them are me looking at my own blog... You know to make sure there isn't anything out of place.) And OH GOODNESS is my southern accent is showing. I try my best not to let in my writing, but there is no way I could ever actually say "you all" or "you guys." I hope y'all understand.
Today, well most of this week really has been almost a complete 180 from my past few weeks (or really past few months). Which means the Botox is actually working. I'm not 100% normal (and by that I mean my migraines are still there... And I can't wear scarves or necklaces and I've almost 100% given up wearing perfume). But I am finally able to enjoy life again and think about other things besides the horrible pain I'm in. Which is an enormous feat, in and of itself. It makes me tons more hopeful that this is the right treatment.
With this new energy and life I am feeling I got to join my parents for a trip down to Oxford. The main mission of this trip was for them to meet with my brother's German professor so they can find out where all they need to visit when they go see Will in Germany this summer. Yeah, I know super awesome right? Well, I accidentally tagged along for their meeting and was given the car keys (cha-ching). Which meant I had like an hour to myself. What did I do? I came back to the locked condo, of course (I definitely needed some relaxing time maybe in the dark). Where were my keys to the condo? They were inside, of course. The whole drive to the condo I was fantasizing about laying out the grass near our condo relaxing to the new CDs I had just downloaded onto my iPad (which was in the condo too of course). By the time I turned into the condos, I had decided that I could feel a slight migraine coming on and I didn't want t miss dinner so I'd just listen to my new CDs inside, in the dark. But having no keys completely changed that decision. So I ended up fulfilling my fantasy and lying in the grass next to the condo. It was a little itchy (and I may have gotten a slight sun rash, that's completely gone now) but all in all I felt like I was embracing the moment. I played music on my iPhone and just basked in the rays of my frenemy, the sun. But after not even an hour, I got bored and therefore started taking pictures with what else but my handy dandy PHONE! Surprise, surprise.

So I'm trying to put more pictures of myself on here.
My parents ended up taking my brother and some of his friends (and myself) out to dinner. Where the topic of his loathing of my photography came up. And I ended up capturing a few shots at the end of the night (very smoothly as one of his friends commented). Will really has a lovely band of friends. We kept each other laughing almost the whole night (well they mostly kept us laughing, but hey we at least tried to be comedic). I bet these ladies and gentlemen have some fun college years ahead of them. And I'm hoping they won't mind too terribly bad when I tag along with them to Memphis in May. Hopefully I'll be feeling great by then, but we'll see.
So I'm definitely not as smooth as I think.
I spy with my little eyes at least one person looking (and smiling for the camera).
And here starts the drama of Will.
Not quite sure what he is doing here, but I love this of my dad (on the far left).
Labels: Botox, Family, Oxford, Travel