I got an IPAD TODAY!!! YAY! I'm so excited. It's amazing how different it is from the iPhone. I didn't really think it would be, but it is. Some apps that are amazing on the iPhone aren't so amazing on the iPad. So I'm trying to figure out what's great and what's not so great. So you'll have to excuse me if this post isn't extremely long. I'm still anxious to play with my new toy.
Today was a better day with my migraines. Well I say it was. Today I continued to choose to make the day better. I could really tell that I had worked some yesterday and started the day pretty worn out. But I preserved and with the help of my gracious and loving mother I have almost completely gone through all of my clothes that were in my closet. I almost wanted to take a before and after picture, but I am really ashamed that I let my closet get as bad as it was. I hadn't cleaned out my clothes since junior high (I just kept putting it off) and I just had clothes that I never wore taking up the room in my closet so my clothes that I really do wear had to go somewhere and that ended up being the floor of my closet. It was the biggest mess you have ever seen. Piles and piles everywhere, and so I never really could wear anything but the same thing over and over cause I had no idea where half of my really cute clothes are. But no more. I'm almost all done (well at least halfway done) with my closet. (And the only person who can take credit for that is my mother who has been the driving force behind the change.)

Taken with my iPad!
I got a new picture of Buster tonight!!
The breeder said he had a hard time getting this photo because all he wants to do is play!
AHHHH! I can't wait until we can pick him up!
Labels: Botox, Electronics, Migraines