Instant Happiness

           Music can instantly change a mood.  It can make the dullest day sunny, no matter where you are, especially when it's the right music.  I am not embarrassed to admit that at least half of my time driving my car is spent dancing.  (But I usually am too embarrassed to have a dance party with actual passengers, so I'm not sure what that actually says about me.)
          Starting in high school, I made my friends mixes.  I was always a bit proud of them.  I liked to think of myself as a music connoisseur (p.s. I did just look up how to spell that correctly and one thing that popped up was Wiki How to Become a Wine Connoisseur... because of course I looked up "wine connoisseur").  But back in the day (because I'm so grown up now) I definitely thought too much of myself and instead of actually spreading the word about the band, I always got a little defensive when other people had heard of the song/band.  I guess it meant that I wasn't so special?  I don't know (so glad I grew out of that these past 4 years).
           I always glean songs from TV shows, I don't know who has the awesome job of picking out music but the best (and most addicting shows) have really amazing people who do their job wonderfully.  I used to actually have a few running playlists for One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy (my two favorite shows still).  I would get so excited when I recognized a song on the show, it always felt like I was apart of this special club.  Like I got the scene so much better because I knew what song that was and I already liked it... I didn't need an "awesome" stamp of approval (but I got it anyway).  I know I'm way cheesy and get excited a little too easily, but it's the little things (like I've said before) that mean the most.  So when Peyton Sawyer (from One Tree Hill) said this quote it was like she got me (and was speaking directly at me).
"You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpriting the hell out of everything. Um, then theres the music people, like Brooke. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I dont know, somtimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since Im not, let me just say this. Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that. And for me its usually song lyrics." -Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill 
<--- Peyton Sawyer  (Photo Credit)

        But then again, I believe in fate (to a degree) and if you look for meaning in song lyrics, you're going to find them.  This quote (her artist angst, love for Lucas, blonde ever-changing hair, and numerous other things) made me believe that Peyton and I were kindred spirits.  If I was any character from One Tree Hill I would be Peyton, no questions asked.  (You know you compare yourself to characters on TV all the time, or hey I may be the only one.)  However, the older I get the more I realize I'm Brooke.  I love some songs for their lyrics, but sometimes all you need is a song that has a good beat to cheer you up. 
       Anyway, I completely got off on a tangent.  What I was really going to say, is that I quit making mixes at one point.  I'm not sure when it happen, but I found one of my old mixes at exactly the right time.  Just by playing certain songs I became energized in a way I haven't been in a while.  My spirits were lifted.  It was a few days before Valentine's Day so I immediately started planning a Valentine's Day themed mix.  And I immediately started looking for more music.  
        I'm a person that is pretty much against the radio.  I hate how much the radio DJ's talk, how many commercials play on a regular basis, and especially the fact that the radio will play a song out.  I'm a huge fan of plugging in my iPhone and listening to my music.  I want to have completely control over what I'm listening to.
        This school year, I finally gave into the Pandora craze.  And honestly, I don't mind it when I'm not really paying attention to what I'm listening.  I love just putting it on my "How I Roll" (yes, by Britney Spears) station while I'm getting ready if I need to be pumped up or putting on my "Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack" station (the latest one with Keira Knightley) while I need to concentrate.  
       However, just today I joined the Spotify trend (it's all over Facebook... So-and-so listened to this on Spotify fills up my newsfeed).  I have been reluctant to use this application because I do not want everyone on Facebook to see what I am listening to.. if I want to try out someone else's playlist I think that should be my business and my business only.  But I joined and am IN LOVE.  It allows you to find new music while playing what you want to listen (not like Pandora).  I'm definitely going to use it to make all of my mixes from now on.
      Which brings me full circle, from now on I want to make my boring days more fun by having Holiday Themed mixes...  And of course I'm not going to make this simple because that's not how I roll.  Here's an example of the mixes I've made so far:  
                The Five L's of Valentines:  Lewd, Lust, Like, Love, Loss
                Drink, Drank, Drunk & For the Hangover (2 separate CD's for St. Patrick's Day)
In the process:
                Refreshed, Renewed, and Easter Bunnied
I love the CD's I've put together.  (7 CD's altogether) But now I'm running out of ideas for mixes.  The Easter mix totally reflects that.  I'm not going to lie, I'm not 100% certain how this next CD is going to turn out, but I guess we'll see.   

Resolution #4:
Make a mix for every U.S. holiday (except maybe memorial/labor day?)

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of All the Romantic Presumptions: Instant Happiness

Monday, March 26, 2012

Instant Happiness

           Music can instantly change a mood.  It can make the dullest day sunny, no matter where you are, especially when it's the right music.  I am not embarrassed to admit that at least half of my time driving my car is spent dancing.  (But I usually am too embarrassed to have a dance party with actual passengers, so I'm not sure what that actually says about me.)
          Starting in high school, I made my friends mixes.  I was always a bit proud of them.  I liked to think of myself as a music connoisseur (p.s. I did just look up how to spell that correctly and one thing that popped up was Wiki How to Become a Wine Connoisseur... because of course I looked up "wine connoisseur").  But back in the day (because I'm so grown up now) I definitely thought too much of myself and instead of actually spreading the word about the band, I always got a little defensive when other people had heard of the song/band.  I guess it meant that I wasn't so special?  I don't know (so glad I grew out of that these past 4 years).
           I always glean songs from TV shows, I don't know who has the awesome job of picking out music but the best (and most addicting shows) have really amazing people who do their job wonderfully.  I used to actually have a few running playlists for One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy (my two favorite shows still).  I would get so excited when I recognized a song on the show, it always felt like I was apart of this special club.  Like I got the scene so much better because I knew what song that was and I already liked it... I didn't need an "awesome" stamp of approval (but I got it anyway).  I know I'm way cheesy and get excited a little too easily, but it's the little things (like I've said before) that mean the most.  So when Peyton Sawyer (from One Tree Hill) said this quote it was like she got me (and was speaking directly at me).
"You know I've got this theory, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are lyric people and music people. You know, the lyrics people tend to be analytical. You know, all about the meaning of the song. They're the ones you see with the CD insert out like 5 minutes after buying it, pouring over the lyrics, interpriting the hell out of everything. Um, then theres the music people, like Brooke. Who could care less for the lyrics as long as its just got like a good beat and you could dance to it. I dont know, somtimes it might be easier to be a music girl and not a lyric girl. But since Im not, let me just say this. Sometimes things find you when you need them to find you, I believe that. And for me its usually song lyrics." -Peyton Sawyer, One Tree Hill 
<--- Peyton Sawyer  (Photo Credit)

        But then again, I believe in fate (to a degree) and if you look for meaning in song lyrics, you're going to find them.  This quote (her artist angst, love for Lucas, blonde ever-changing hair, and numerous other things) made me believe that Peyton and I were kindred spirits.  If I was any character from One Tree Hill I would be Peyton, no questions asked.  (You know you compare yourself to characters on TV all the time, or hey I may be the only one.)  However, the older I get the more I realize I'm Brooke.  I love some songs for their lyrics, but sometimes all you need is a song that has a good beat to cheer you up. 
       Anyway, I completely got off on a tangent.  What I was really going to say, is that I quit making mixes at one point.  I'm not sure when it happen, but I found one of my old mixes at exactly the right time.  Just by playing certain songs I became energized in a way I haven't been in a while.  My spirits were lifted.  It was a few days before Valentine's Day so I immediately started planning a Valentine's Day themed mix.  And I immediately started looking for more music.  
        I'm a person that is pretty much against the radio.  I hate how much the radio DJ's talk, how many commercials play on a regular basis, and especially the fact that the radio will play a song out.  I'm a huge fan of plugging in my iPhone and listening to my music.  I want to have completely control over what I'm listening to.
        This school year, I finally gave into the Pandora craze.  And honestly, I don't mind it when I'm not really paying attention to what I'm listening.  I love just putting it on my "How I Roll" (yes, by Britney Spears) station while I'm getting ready if I need to be pumped up or putting on my "Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack" station (the latest one with Keira Knightley) while I need to concentrate.  
       However, just today I joined the Spotify trend (it's all over Facebook... So-and-so listened to this on Spotify fills up my newsfeed).  I have been reluctant to use this application because I do not want everyone on Facebook to see what I am listening to.. if I want to try out someone else's playlist I think that should be my business and my business only.  But I joined and am IN LOVE.  It allows you to find new music while playing what you want to listen (not like Pandora).  I'm definitely going to use it to make all of my mixes from now on.
      Which brings me full circle, from now on I want to make my boring days more fun by having Holiday Themed mixes...  And of course I'm not going to make this simple because that's not how I roll.  Here's an example of the mixes I've made so far:  
                The Five L's of Valentines:  Lewd, Lust, Like, Love, Loss
                Drink, Drank, Drunk & For the Hangover (2 separate CD's for St. Patrick's Day)
In the process:
                Refreshed, Renewed, and Easter Bunnied
I love the CD's I've put together.  (7 CD's altogether) But now I'm running out of ideas for mixes.  The Easter mix totally reflects that.  I'm not going to lie, I'm not 100% certain how this next CD is going to turn out, but I guess we'll see.   

Resolution #4:
Make a mix for every U.S. holiday (except maybe memorial/labor day?)

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