If you read my list of five things that made Spring Break bearable you might remember an adorable picture of a puppy. I have finally convinced my parents (whom I am living with) that we need a playmate for our current puppy Jack.

Jack is a 3 year old Golden Retriever, who is a loving dog. However he sometimes has problems with being hyper and bouncy (he's the dog in all of the pictures I've posted on here and he is pretty much the star of my Instagram feed). Jack will walk around the yard with his toy bone in his mouth whining because he doesn't have anyone to play with. It's really sad. So we're getting him a puppy!
After much consideration and research we've decided to get a Goldendoodle. We want a dog that will stay outside (something that usually hinders us from adopting a puppy from animal shelters) and my dad would prefer to get a dog that is just a puppy. (Jack was found in vet's parking lot when he was 6 months old and there are clear signs of abuse that will probably last his whole life.)
I've been searching and searching for the right puppy for us. I know that whatever puppy finally makes his way to us will be puppy we're supposed to have. (The situation with Jack and the Golden Retriever we owned before him proved that-- they were both dogs that needed a good home and literally through one way or another found his way to us.) We think we might have the right puppy in our sights, but time will tell.
One thing I want to make sure of is that I document this new puppy's growth and development. I want to be able to look back and see how much he grew, etc. I recently came across pictures of Dante as a teeny tiny kitten that made me wish I had more pictures. (Dante was so small he could fit into the palm of your hand and now he can barely fit into your lap.)
As I've said before I fail at scrapbooking, but straight from the blog that inspired me to start blogging again comes a new way to Scrapbook. Mini Books. It's just made from paper held together with book rings and completely left up to your imagination. The best blog post explaining it that I could find is found here. But there are so many different ways to create a mini book. And Elise Cripe has post after post of what she has created. Each one can be as unique and different as you want it to be. I think I'm going to start one when we get our new puppy (maybe just not put it together for a little while as I don't really have any workspace).
Elise Cripe with just a few of her mini books.
Just another picture of a mini book.
If you want to see more check out Elise's detailed posts about how she puts them together.
Resolution #2:
To create a mini book centered on the new Goldendoodle puppy and his new life in our family.
Labels: DIY, Family, Inspiration, Minibooks, Resolutions