Inspiration. It's what this week is all about for me. While most college students, including my family, are on vacation during Spring Break I want to use this week as a jumpstart towards a more productive lifestyle. I recently graduated college in December with an English degree (and a History minor). If you ask in person what I plan on doing with that degree I usually end up awkwardly chuckling before responding with anything but teaching. In reality, I am trying my hand at starting up my own photography business, Anna Peterson Photography (such an original name I know).
I'm not sure what it is about Boudoir photography that draws me in, but there is just something about a woman feeling gorgeous about her body. When my mom hears Boudoir she immediately thinks Playboy and photos from magazines that you might find underneath some randy teenage boy's bed. When I hear Boudoir I think of something inspired by this:

Yes, I know they're pin-up girls and they have clothes on. But Boudoir for me is about a woman embracing her beauty and her body. Nowadays, growing up girls are bombarded with the epitome of beauty being models that are stick skinny. If you aren't skinny then you can't be beautiful. Boudoir is embracing your body, embracing your curves, knowing that you're beautiful no matter what size you are. However, Boudoir is just a category, I have seen many different photographers take the category of "Boudoir" many different places. I've seen some photographers push more towards the way of playboy, but then I've seen some photographs where the woman is fully clothed. Like I mentioned before, it's about the feel of the photographs and the feel of the woman embracing her body, not necessarily how many articles of clothes she has on.
I have yet to actually take any of Boudoir photographs myself, but it is something I am really looking forward to. This photographer in Virginia helps her clients get into the mood by having their makeup and hair professionally done. I'm pretty sure this is something that can be pretty common, especially when the Boudoir session takes the place of a Bachelorette Party. I mean how awesome is that? The only downside is the photographer who offers that is all the way in Florida. This photographer is the one who really sold me on Boudoir photography, her photographs are usually always classy and a celebration of a woman's body. Here are just a few of her photographs.
You can find more information on her website.
I have tons of ideas for the setting/props for some future Boudoir shoots, but my only models right now are in Oxford, MS in college at Ole Miss and I'm in Olive Branch. So I have to find a time to actually get down there, but I will eventually take some. When I do, I'll share.
One day into it and I've already kept my resolution. (One day down, a million to go!)
Labels: Inspiration