Resolutions. The word/idea that comes up every New Year, even sometimes on the Chinese New Year for those people who did not quite get their Resolutions rolling the very beginning of January. It's what makes the gym packed full of people for the first two months of the year... not that I would really know seeing how I haven't exactly been to the gym in at least 3 years (my summer classes in Ole Miss's Turner Center do not count). As I was saying Resolutions (yes it is important enough to have a capital R) normally happen about once a year and about halfway through the year I usually become extremely lazy about the effort I put into keeping my Resolution (because I've done so good for 6 whole months! I deserve a break). However, this girl (inspired by this girl) has decided to start making Resolutions at the beginning of each month. I know for this month I am a little late to the party (we are 11 whole days into the month), but better late than never.
My Resolutions for the Month of March:
Update this blog at least twice a week
Okay, so right now I only have 1 Resolution, next month you just wait and see. Labels: Resolutions