Today I went to the neurologist to figure out a new strategy to treat my migraines (whether it be continue with Botox or find a new treatment). He wasn't too encouraged about my reaction to the Botox (worse for almost 2 weeks, then 2-3 days of no migraines, and then finally leveling back out at a migraine almost every day again). So we're trying something new again this time. I'm going to a sleep lab sometime during the next month to make sure there isn't anything going on during my sleep (sleep apnea being the number one thing to check). But I could also have a mild case of sleep apnea that has nothing to do with why I am getting migraines. As of right now, he also put me on muscle relaxers at night to help me sleep better. (I tend to have trouble going to sleep at night.) All in all, I always feel so much better after meeting with my neurologist. My spirits have been uplifted because I haven't exhausted all of the treatment possibilities and I don't think my neurologist is just going throw his hands up anytime soon and say "this is all we can do for you, sorry all that pain you feel, you're just going to have to live with it for the rest of your life." I understand that that could possibly become what happens in the end, but it's just so much constant pain that I tend to get overwhelmed when I think about having it for the rest of my life (that is as long as I meet the national life expectancy and nothing happens to cut my life short). I think I'll just deal with that when the time comes. (But I'm really hoping and praying that it won't.)
I recently found (as in today discovered) some old handwritten pages of a story (that had novel potential) I was writing in high school. I've since moved on to 2 other stories (no, I'm not ADD I promise). I kind of thought back on this story as high-schoolish, immature, and poorly written. However, rereading what I wrote, I'm not sure that I hold that same opinion. Yes, some of it could have been written better and I'm not saying that I could get it published or anything, but it's not half bad. I could change a few things and it would make it at least decent. Better written than some of the books I've tried to read over the past couple of years. Maybe I can become a novelist yet. Not via the creative writing masters degree I had planned for a while back, but through keeping at my stories by writing them and editing and reediting and reediting. Although probably keeping up 3 stories at once is not advisable. We'll see where it gets me eventually I guess.
So I promised rearranged room photos, but I don't actually have the "before" room photos available to me at this moment so I'll post them sometime during the day tomorrow. I'll do like I did with my closet. And speaking of closet, my closet has also gotten a major rearranging, so I'll post those before and afters tomorrow day as well. In the meantime, here is what everything looks like at this moment.
I think it looks very different and I love it. I can't wait to organize all my craft supplies on the black shelves. Also, I'm working that the desk in my closet now! (Since I took this picture I set up my printer--which has no black so it's completely useless--and a floor lamp because those overhead lights get so darn hot!) Also I'm not completely finished with the bookshelf area, but I had to wait on two more 3-shelf ones that my parents had down in Oxford.
I also promised you yesterday a look at my sample album of photography I had made (and am offering to clients but only with their pictures in it of course).

I don't think I can end a post now without adding a picture of Oscar. And boy do I have plenty to add today. When he's not biting he's being super sweet. But he thinks he's sneaky... Of course. And watching Jack and Oscar interact are some of the most entertaining moments. I can't wait until Oscar is big enough to defend himself. Then we'll see how big and bad Jack really is. (Yes, I am laughing maniacally right about now.) But seriously, I love taking pictures of this little guy who seriously looks like a teddy bear. AND we've almost had him for a week! Tomorrow will be a week (I still can't believe it). We've only had like one incident as of right now, but Oscar has completely bounced back (Jack might have smooshed him a little). I might want to add that as a first time mom of a puppy I might be a little dramatic when it comes to things that hurt my little darling. But I have noticed that Jack seems to bark more fiercely when people come to the house, maybe he's trying to protect Oscar? I hope so. Now if only Kitty Dante would stop hissing at Oscar everything would be perfect.

Like I said, he thinks he is sneaky and he loves to play the game "bite the toes."
Title: "In the End" by Snow Patrol
Labels: Botox, Design, Home Improvement, Migraines, Music, Oscar, Photography