Just yesterday I was priding myself in how well I'm handling my migraines. I was telling my mom how I had stopped being frusturated at the pain I feel. And of course, pride always comes before the fall. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for my one month check in after my first botox treatment. It's just to see how I'm reacting to it and for my neurologist to get a game plan for future treatments. So I did what I always do before any doctor's appointment (just to make sure I communicate correctly and my doctor doesn't diagnosis me with depression because I cry when I get nervous), I consulted with my mom. I figured out that I haven't had a migraine/have been almost pain free for 2-3 days this month. The rest of the time it's been a little rough. And of course, that got me super frustrated. I have a good attitude about my migraines unless it's at night and I'm tired and I have one and I think back on how much relief I haven't had. I know God has a plan for me and my migraines. I truly believe that, but I'm still mad at him that he can't let me get better on my time. I'm trying to accept the life God has laid out for me, pain included, it's just a little easier said than done.
But while I continue to struggle with my anger (hey, acknowledgement is the first step in the right direction, isn't it), I wanted to post some of the things I had been doing with my time. Now that I'm not laid up in bed all day, I've had a few projects I've been keeping under wraps.
They are all postcards! How cool is that? The top one is square and doesn't have anything on the back so it's completely open for addresses. I plan on sharing my sample album in tomorrow's post along with some photographs of my room and closet because they have been completely redone. Exciting I know. (By the way, all of the pictures above are from my photography business,
Anna Peterson Photography.)

I also have been doing some work for my brother-in-law. I've really enjoyed trying to take what he wants and find it. Believe me, trying to find someone to put a 20" anything on your own fabric is not an easy task. I eventually got a stencil made by
Signs First in Southaven and spray painting the green part (well, really Dad spray painted it for me cause he's pretty awesome at manly things like that). While I was researching the best way to put the logo on a painter's dropcloth, I started looking into screen printing. It's something I've always really wanted to do, but haven't really had a reason. We'll see if I can find a reason to now that I know I can... without actually having to work at a t-shirt printing company.
We moved a lot of things in my room around, including my bed. Miss Christine and Mom were Super Women and moved my bed all by themselves! (With a little help from
Magic Sliders, the Carpet Edition)
Oscar trying to figure out speaker phone... his cocked head was sooo cute
(didn't really translate into a picture but it's okay he's still adorable!)
Title: "Feather on the Clyde" by Passenger
Labels: Botox, Design, Home Improvement, Migraines, Photography, Work