And I Need to Know How to Live My Life as It's Meant to Be

     Still quiet days in the neighborhood, but I did spend most of my day running very necessary errands and going to doctor appointments.  Being that it is Monday, I watered the plants and my darling Oscar loved trying to get the water from the hose instead of letting me actually water the plants.
      Please notice two things about the pictures below:  oh my gosh, Oscar's legs are getting long AND look how adorable they are being all protective.  (They are "protecting" me from Kitty Dante.)

Title: "The Cave" by Mumford and Sons

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of All the Romantic Presumptions: And I Need to Know How to Live My Life as It's Meant to Be

Monday, July 2, 2012

And I Need to Know How to Live My Life as It's Meant to Be

     Still quiet days in the neighborhood, but I did spend most of my day running very necessary errands and going to doctor appointments.  Being that it is Monday, I watered the plants and my darling Oscar loved trying to get the water from the hose instead of letting me actually water the plants.
      Please notice two things about the pictures below:  oh my gosh, Oscar's legs are getting long AND look how adorable they are being all protective.  (They are "protecting" me from Kitty Dante.)

Title: "The Cave" by Mumford and Sons

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