Weird fact number one about myself. I don't like Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea behind Thanksgiving, the whole counting-your-blessings thing not the forefathers-and-indians-first-meal thing. Don't even get me started about how things were always and will be always an us versus them mindset. It's part of the sinful world, but the "settlers" of North America weren't exactly kind to the existing inhabitance to the land. (Because "we" know better than "them.") From this day and age we look back on the "glory years" but they're only glorious because they didn't happen to us (or even if they did, we only see the good parts not the good parts with the bad mixed in). Sin didn't just stop happening because America was founded. Okay, so done with my political, not so political rant. Back to the original topic.
I'm not a fan of Thanksgiving because of the food. Any side dish you might think to make for a typical Thanksgiving feast, I don't like it. I don't like the smell, the texture, anything about it. I'm not going to make it for you, but I will suffer through cleaning it up--you just might owe me something big. I love the decorations and the idea of it, but just not the actual meal itself. When I grow up and have my own house/family, I'm going to figure out a way to have Thanksgiving without a tradition meal. I've been thinking through some ideas but I haven't come up with anything solid as of yet, but I will.
For Christmas dinner we have steaks--and I get to have my little piece of meat wrapped in bacon--so I love Christmas. Plus the whole giving and receiving presents--giving is just as much fun, especially planning out what you're going to give people (because it's never about them, it's about you). I love Christmas music. I would say that it's my favorite kind of music, but really it's just my favorite kind of seasonal music, as opposed to Easter music, St. Patrick's Day music (though St. Patty's music is a close second), Halloween music and Valentine's Day music. Anyway, I could have sworn I had already written a blog about it because I'm partial to "contemporary" Christmas music (or just original songs). I have a newfound affection towards the oldies, but I love the songs that I've never heard of before. It's strangely hard to find. Jack Johnson's record company (Brushfire Records) has released two compilations of original Christmas songs from their recording artists (one in 2008 and one in 2011). Once I find a CD I play it over and over again because I love each song. We'll see what new ones I can find this year. If you know of any I'd love to hear any helpful tips.
Basically this whole post was just so I could get to the simple reason why I'm already posting Christmas songs as my song of the day. It's because I want to like Thanksgiving, but I'm already so over November in general so Christmas here we come!
Title: "I Bet On Flying High" by Matt Costa
Labels: Christmas, Christmas Music, Food, Music, Musings, Thanksgiving