5 things I'm thankful for this week:
That my parents are finally home so I have somewhat of a social life
That my brother is home so I finally have someone to joke around with (and pester) at said social events
That my puppy is growing into a big strong and very healthy adult dog with (knock on wood) no life-threatening, special (and expensive) problems
(I am still a little sad that his adult fur is more wiry than soft and fluffy like his puppy fluff)
That my Lifeproof phone case is actually waterproof and I didn't kill my phone when I completely submerged it in the pool on the 4th of July
I didn't exactly shoot any fireworks this 4th because I was by myself, but obviously this is red, white, and blue. |
That America declared its freedom from British rule on July 4, 1776,
and even though I don't agree with all of our policies both on our home soil and abroad,
doesn't mean I don't live in a great country
where I'm allowed the freedom to gain the education (as a woman) to form my own opinion
and the freedom to voice that opinion whenever I want
(doesn't mean I'm going to force anything on anyone...
but that's an entirely different topic not suited for a thankful mood)
And I'm grateful for anyone and everyone who has ever fought for America
(for women and for equal rights in general)
no matter how small others might think their fight was
(no battle--mental or physical--is a small battle)
I'm also extremely thankful for the one who did the work of God for me
so that all I have to do is believe because even that is extremely tough
(and impossible without the help of God)
and if more than belief was asked from me I would most definitely fall short
Title: "Underground" by Monique Brumby
Labels: Community, Family, Five Things, Friends, God, Holidays, Music, Oscar, Oxford, Thankfulness