You're the Same but Some How Different

Five things I'm thankful for this week:
My Mother and her Mother
(without them I would never know how to cook, clean, and be the great future housewife-mother that I eventually aspire to be)

My first real comment on my blog! 
(Thank you, Anonymous)
My little puppy chastising my big puppy for scratching his wounds.
(I don't have an actual picture of that but Oscar keeps barking at Jack scratching.)
That the books I'm listing on Amazon are selling.
That Mother's Day was a success.

And, of course, above all else the 6th thing I'm thankful for:
the power of prayer
(something you can't really show in photos)

Title: "Teach Me to Know" by Zach Williams and the Bellow

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of All the Romantic Presumptions: You're the Same but Some How Different

Sunday, May 13, 2012

You're the Same but Some How Different

Five things I'm thankful for this week:
My Mother and her Mother
(without them I would never know how to cook, clean, and be the great future housewife-mother that I eventually aspire to be)

My first real comment on my blog! 
(Thank you, Anonymous)
My little puppy chastising my big puppy for scratching his wounds.
(I don't have an actual picture of that but Oscar keeps barking at Jack scratching.)
That the books I'm listing on Amazon are selling.
That Mother's Day was a success.

And, of course, above all else the 6th thing I'm thankful for:
the power of prayer
(something you can't really show in photos)

Title: "Teach Me to Know" by Zach Williams and the Bellow

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