I absolutely hate it when I've been trying to avoid a song, only to hear it on the radio and want to know what it is every single time. I feel like I'm just being a follower instead of actually liking it for the music (and then I get over myself). It's the way I was with Adele, One Direction, Justin Bieber, and I'm sure a few others that I can not name off the top of my head. That is exactly how I am with Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know." It has a very interesting feeling to the music that always drags me in before I realize what it is (or I use Shazam to tell me). I also really enjoy this beat for some reason. (And I think that it's relatable.) But Gotye's song is just too sad for me to use as the title. Instead I thought I'd use One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" because every girl should pretend it's being sung just for them. We all need a little reminder that we're beautiful.
When I woke up this morning I thought today might be a final relief from the marathon of pain I have been feeling this past week. I even packed up to journey down to Oxford for an impromptu visit of a friend. After I got everything packed up I got a migraine. So I'm still in Olive Branch for the night and I am going to Oxford headache or no tomorrow afternoon.
While I was still headache free earlier in the day I managed to complete my shawl and finally finish off the baby hat. I have to weave in the ends on both but that is all that's left (and I hate weaving in the ends).
I'm also working on a striped scarf for my mom. My goal is to have this scarf finished and maybe one more shawl/scarf finished for her before she leaves for Germany in like 3 weeks (maybe more like 2). We'll see how I manage.
This scarf has one more of this set to go (plus an extra blue). |
To finish the above scarf I still have the one section of blue that I'm working on, green, pink, green, and blue. Then I'll be all finished. It's been really relaxing to knit because it doesn't hurt my head and I can do it when I have a headache so I'm not just lying around or sleeping all of the time.
I love myself a good maxi dress. I think all of them are wonderful and love layering them. I'm debating getting the stripe maxi below. What do you think? They also have a dress where the stripes are blue instead of red.
Title: "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction
Labels: Fashion, Knitting, Migraines, Music, Oscar